Corn Porridge with Prunes

Corn Porridge with Prunes - фото рецепта
Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the porridge turns out very tasty and flavorful. This dish is perfect for a delicious and hearty breakfast. Corn porridge with prunes will be especially relevant for those who observe fasting.
Corn Grits
1/2 cup
1 1/4 cups
1/3 cup
to taste
to taste
to taste
To prepare corn porridge with prunes, rinse the prunes, cover with water, slightly boil, and leave to infuse. Once the prunes swell, drain the broth and use it for cooking the porridge.
Bring the infused broth to a boil (add a little water if needed) and add the corn grits. When the porridge thickens, reduce the heat and simmer until done. Towards the end, add salt and sugar.
A steamer can be used for cooking the porridge.
Serve the cooked corn porridge with prunes, drizzled with melted butter (optional). Place prunes on top of the porridge.